



teaching process, teaching method


This study aims to investigate the language output resulted from physical games played as a practice to learn grammar. 20 university students were involved in a game in which they had to jump and throw a marker towards cue cards that contained questions in If-Conditional Type II structure. The students’ language output during the game was recorded and analyzed qualitatively. The result shows that physical game facilitates the learners to acquire new grammartical items and that it is effective to a good extent.Keywords : physical games, grammar, accuracy

Author Biography

Sya'baningrum Prihhartini, Universitas Islam '45 Bekasi

Sya’baningrum Prihhartini is a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of English and Communication, Universitas Islam ’45 Bekasi. She took a Bachelor degree at Universitas Islam ’45 (Unisma) Bekasi and Master degree at University of Indonesia. She has been working as an English teacher for over 13 years. Her interest of research include: grammar acquisition, games, and task-based learning.


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How to Cite

Prihhartini, S. (2018). LEARNING GRAMMAR THROUGH PHYSICAL GAMES. Sukma: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2(2), 167–185. https://doi.org/10.32533/02201.2018


